
Effective Strategy for Phonemic Awareness Practice and Quick Whole Class Assessment

 "Classroom strategies should not only support students but also help teachers efficiently measure both student strengths and needs at the same time." Here is a glimpse at an effective strategy for supporting phonemic awareness in primary grade classrooms while also giving the teacher a quick and accurate measure of student needs and strengths. A few suggestions to consider: Give students time to initially practice using the magnetic wands to accurately pinpoint the sounds in the Elkonin boxes. You may want to only focus on one sound location, but I have found it effective to bounce around the initial, medial, and final sounds to ensure you measure the broad scope of depth of knowledge and understanding. Be sure to have a notepad to record both general patterns and trends you observe during the activity and also track individual student progress to help you plan for small group instruction. You should not spend more than 5-7 minutes on the activity. You will find that the stu

Evaluators on Autopilot: Is Data Crunching Drowning Out Educator Insight? Or Beyond the Numbers: Is It Time to Rethink Data-Driven Decisions in Education?

  The real power of data in education isn’t fully realized when it’s just about collecting scores and ticking off assessments. I spent a good portion of my time in my doctoral program focused on my emphasis—Assessment and Evaluation. Though often used interchangeably by educators, these terms have different, more than just nuanced, definitions and roles. I believe that since these two terms are often considered synonyms, the depth of knowledge and understanding of the term “evaluation” has basically been lost. The term “data-driven decisions” is ubiquitous in education and often a hallmark of a skilled educator. Data’s real worth, however, comes from the questions it makes us ask, not just the answers it provides. Research by RAND emphasizes this point: “having data alone does not guarantee effective decision-making” (Marsh, Pane, & Hamilton, 2006, paraphrased). This observation underscores the importance of advancing beyond mere data collection to a deeper, more strategic use of d

"How Not Trying So Hard Makes You a Better Teacher: The Backwards Law in Action" or "Understanding the Backwards Law & Applying It in the Classroom"

“True growth in teaching comes not from striving harder, but from embracing the ease of letting go and fostering natural curiosity.”   The Backwards Law?   The Backwards Law, a concept introduced by philosopher Alan Watts, suggests that the more we chase after something, the more we push it away, often achieving the opposite of what we desire. This paradoxical idea can be seen in various aspects of life and work. For instance, the harder we strive for happiness, the more elusive it becomes. This is because intense focus on a desired outcome can lead to increased anxiety and dissatisfaction, making the goal harder to achieve.   Consider happiness. When people constantly strive to be happy, they often scrutinize their lives for signs of unhappiness, becoming more aware of what they lack. For example, someone who compares their life to others on social media may feel more inadequate and less satisfied, despite their efforts to be happy.   Similarly, overworking in the pursuit of productiv

Educators: It's Time to Get Your SH*T Together This Summer!

 To all of my school friends! Summer is a great time to recharge or, as this graphic I found suggests, to get your SH*T together! Self-care: Take time to nurture yourself. Whether it's reading a book, enjoying a spa day, or simply relaxing, self-care is vital to recharge your batteries. Happiness: Find what brings you joy and make it a priority. Spend time with loved ones, engage in hobbies, and do what makes you smile. Inner peace: Practice mindfulness or meditation to center yourself. A few minutes of quiet reflection each day can make a big difference in maintaining balance and calm. Time management: Plan your days to make the most of your summer. Whether it's scheduling activities or setting aside time for relaxation, good time management will help you feel more in control and less stressed.

“One Team, One Dream: And a Whole Lot of Coffee”

  “Beyond Slogans: Our Commitment to EVERY Student’s Achievement” or “One Team, One Dream: And a Whole Lot of Coffee” “Education is not just an opportunity; it is a fundamental right that demands our unwavering commitment to every child’s success.” So, I have a plan with over 200 topics mapped out for blog posts, but sometimes I see something or think of something that I need to write about immediately. That was my experience this afternoon…  I walked past this school district vehicle from a rural district in California. “Whatever it takes…our kids are worth it,” embodies a powerful commitment to student success. This mindset is essential in education, where the stakes are incredibly high. To honor this commitment, we must recognize that achieving proficiency in literacy and numeracy is not just a lofty goal but a fundamental RIGHT for every student. Education must be held to the highest standards, much like any critical profession. Just as we expect a surgeon to have the c

“At the Forefront of Innovation: Educational Consultants and the AI Revolution” Or “Teaching the Teachers: When AI Goes to School”

“At the Forefront of Innovation: Educational Consultants and the AI Revolution” Or  “Teaching the Teachers: When AI Goes to School” "Stepping into the future of education means embracing AI—not as a distant future, but as a present partner. Let's not just adapt to change; let's lead it!" As I look back on the late 90s and early 00s, I remember the  impact the internet had on education and in my schools. Now, we're on the edge of another revolutionary innovation: AI. AI promises to reshape education in ways we can't even fully grasp yet. This is a pivotal moment for independent educational consultants and coaches. We must embrace the rapid pace of AI development or risk becoming obsolete. The old adage rings true: "If you are not seated at the dinner table, you are probably on the menu." It's necessary that we plan, innovate and grow alongside AI advancements to remain relevant and effective in our roles. The future is bright, but only if we are a